Director Sukumar who is riding high with the success of his Pushpa has attended the pre-release event of upcoming Rajasekhar film, Shekar. While talking he revealed an interesting aspect about himself. He said that he came to cinema industry because of Rajasekhar. He also told that he was a fan of Rajasekhar. His films like Ahuthi, Agraham, Ankusham, Talambralu, Magadu etc inspired him a lot. Sukumar also said that he used to imitate Rajasekhar in his college days and everyone would like it. The director also told that it was Rajasekhar behind his confidence in doing something in the industry.
Sukumar continued to appreciate Rajasekhar by saying that it is very great of him to make his two daughters heroines. He also appreciated Jeevitha for handling both direction and her family. He also applauded lyricist Ramajogayya Sastry. On the other hand, Sukumar is busy with his upcoming film, Pushpa : The Rule. The film is reported to be made on a budget of around 400 crores. Sukumar and team are busy preparing the final draft of the script and the shoot of the film may start from the month of July this year. Allu Arjun and Fahadh Faashil are playing the lead roles in this sequel. Rashmika Mandanna will be the female lead.