Nine months after ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ failed at the box office, Aamir Khan says he’s not going to make a movie anytime soon. The actor was speaking at the grand trailer launch of the Punjabi film ‘Carry On Jatta 3′ when he spoke about his situation. Known as Mr. Perfectionist, Aamir Khan said he would not like to take the attention away from the Sonam Bajwa and Gippy Grewal starrer but would like to satisfy his fans and other Bollywood audiences’ curiosity about his next film once and for all.
“Today, we should ideally only talk about ‘Carry On Jatta’, but since you all must be curious, let me quickly give you an answer. I haven’t decided to do any film as of now. I want to spend time with my family right now. I’m feeling good about it because that’s what I want to do right now. I’ll do a film when I’m emotionally ready, for sure,” he said. Aamir went on to say that it will probably take him a year and a half to announce something later because right now, he just wants to prioritize family over career.
Aamir was last seen making a cameo in Kajol starrer ‘Salaam Venky’. His film ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, released in August last year, was a big failure at the Box Office. The mock received mixed reviews, but it was also affected by the boycott trend on social media.
There were many unconfirmed reports had emerged about Aamir’s next film. It was said that he will star in a South star’s movie. Another set of rumors stated that Aamir will star in a remake of the 2018 Spanish blockbuster ‘Campeones’ (English translation: Champions). But all these were just rumors.