Hotstar disappointed Tamil and Telugu audiences. The OTT giant Disney Plus Hotstar has officially announced that Siddharth’s latest film, Chinna (Chithha), will be available for streaming starting 17th November. The movie received excellent reviews and word of mouth upon its theatrical release. Hotstar disappointed Tamil and Telugu audiences by not streaming the film Chinna.
The audiences were eagerly waiting for this film’s OTT release, but the movie is yet to be streamed, and there is no update from the OTT platform regarding the delay. Therefore, Hotstar has disappointed Tamil and Telugu audiences.
Chinna (Chithha in Tamil) was made with a sensitive backdrop and features Siddharth in the lead role, with Nimisha Sajayan as his love interest and Sahasra Shree playing his niece. Chittha was released on September 28th in Tamil, and it was released on October 6th in Telugu. Though it did not fare well in Telugu, it got massive OTT and satellite deals.
Chithha features a talented crew, including Balaji Subramanyam (cinematography), Suresh A Prasad (editing), CS Balachandar (art direction), and Vinoth Thanigasalam (sound design), with music by Dhibu Ninan Thomas and background music by Vishal Chandrasekhar.