Tollywood’s latest horror film Pindam starring Sriram, Srinivasa Avarsala, Eeshwari Rao, and Khushi Ravi has made its way to OTT platforms. The film is now streaming on Aha and Amazon Prime Video. Directed by Saikiran Daida, Pindam was released on 15th December last year and was billed as “the scariest film ever”.
The film is produced by Yeshwanth Daggumati under the banner Kalaahi Media. Pindam turned out to be a typical horror thriller with a few striking moments.
Despite the hype and promotions focussed on branding it a unique horror film, the film received mixed reviews and many claimed it was yet another stereotypical horror film. The film’s background score and pre-climax versions were noteworthy while it was criticized for its dull writing in the first half and some predictable moments.
Pindam follows the events after a spirit possesses a 6-year-old and how a demonologist and her team rescues the child. After a mixed theatrical response, it now needs to be seen how its digital premiere goes and what kind of talk it manages to create among the netizens.