Sithara Entertainments shows keen interest to remake Malayalam movies in Telugu. Earlier they remade Malayalam classic Premam with Naga Chaitanya and scored a decent hit. Recently, they acquired the remake rights of blockbuster movie Ayyappanum Koshiyum which is in pre-production stage might features Rana and Ravi Teja in the title roles. Now one more Malayalam movie joins this list.
Keppela is yet another Malayalam film whose Telugu remake rights were bagged by Sithara Entertainments. It’s a beautiful village love story packed with some twists and turns. It was released a few days before the lockdown and received positive reviews. Recently, Netflix started streaming Kappela and got a good response from the viewers.
The strong buzz is coming about the lead actor of Kappela’s Telugu version. Sithara Entertainments approached Vishwak Sen for a crucial role originally played by Sreenath Bhasi. Vishwak Sen had already appeared in a remake of a Malayalam movie Angamalai Dairies, directed by himself and released as Faluknama Das. Vishwak recently watched Kappela and liked the plot and likely to sign this project.
Vishwak Sen is currently working on the sequel of HIT and Paagal. If he signs this project it may hit the floor after completing the prior commitments. However, the official confirmation is still awaited.