Lucifer, one of Malayalam’s biggest blockbusters, is set to have its sequel. The launch of the prequel-cum-sequel was announced by the Mohanlal-starrer. The makers have released a video that shows glimpses of the first part of the film and has also announced the start date of the second part. They also announced that the film will be released Pan India wide.
L2E-Empuraan is the title of the sequel. Lucifer was Prithviraj Sukumaran’s debut as a director, and he subsequently made Bro Daddy with Mohanlal. The entry of Lyca Productions into Malayalam films is being marked by Empuraan.
Mohanlal, Prithviraj Sukumar, Tovino Thomas, Manju Warrier, and other cast members shared updates on social media about the L2E Empurran launch with great excitement on their social media accounts.
Lucifer concluded with a hint of Mohanlal’s gangster background, and it appears that the sequel will depict his past until Lucifer began. It is widely known that Megastar Chiranjeevi played the lead role in Godfather, the remake of Lucifer in Telugu. Now we have to wait and see if Chiranjeevi will also bring the second installment in Telugu.