Tollywood Veteran Actor, Mohan Babu is going through a family war. His Younger son and Actor Manchu Manoj revolted against the Actor creating a ruckus at his farmhouse. The incident escalated when Mohan Babu attacked a media reporter who was covering this whole episode. The Police Commissioner took a serious note of the whole incident and ordered Mohan Babu to appear before him for which the Actor approached High Court. Now, High Court has issued a big relief to Mohan Babu by exempting him from the appearance before Police.
The Veteran Actor was also admitted to hospital by the family citing high BP and other physical strain issues. The High Court observing all these has ruled in favour of Mohan Babu and ordered Police not to take any action against the Actor or his family till their judgement. The Court has also put on hold the orders of Police of surrendering the private weapons of Mohan Babu.
On the other hand, Manoj seems to be not backing away. The reason for his backlash against Mohan Babu is rumoured to be regarding the sharing of assets and properties within the family. Manoj is believed to be demanding his share of the properties as well. Let’s see how far this goes.