Hi Nanna starring Natural Star Nani and Mrunal Thakur did decent at the box office. The film was made with a good cast and had a fresh feel due to the chemistry between the lead pair and also the presence of a kid. However, the film after its OTT launch did amazingly well. The film has managed to perform sensationally well on the Top Films list category on Netflix.
Many people who didn’t watch the film in the theatres watched it on Netflix and started liking it. But the sad news is it performed very badly on TV. Hi Nanna has recently premiered on TV worldwide and it managed to get only 4.45 TRP in Urban areas and 4.06 TRP in urban and rural areas. This is surely an embarrassing number for Nani considering his fandom among family audiences. The film which also deals with Family issues performed poorly on TV which is shocking.
The film has positive reviews in the theatres and mouth talk was decent as well. Still the film failed to deliver good ratings on Telivision. Not only this film, All recent films of Nani putting very low TRP numbers. But on OTT platforms Nani films working so big. On the work front, Nani is currently doing a film under DVV Creations, titled Saripodhaa Sanivaaram. The first look of the film has already been released recently.