During the promotion of his latest film, Custody, Actor Naga Chaitanya, elaborated on his view on early reviews of every week’s newly released movies. He added that everyone can express their views about the film they have watched, and stated that he respects everyone’s freedom of expression, and it is a part of the business of the movie websites to give reviews.
However, the encouragement of heroes and directors is affecting the results of movies, and they are indirectly killing the buyers with their words. Just for promotions the heroes and directors are elevating website reviews and now the same websites are giving negative talk about the movies with midnight reviews, which is affecting in a huge way for movies.
Few fans and normal netizens are saying that the directors and heroes should realize now the impact of the negative reviews on websites and should not encourage them. However, it is not appropriate to accuse website reviews for the results because if a film’s content is good, then no review or negative publicity cannot affect the result of it.
However, if a film’s content is not good and the talk also comes negative then the negative reviews will definitely influence such movie results.