Actor Siddharth got close to the Telugu audience as a Hero with Bommarillu. Genelia was paired opposite him in the film, and there is no need to specially mention the success of the film. Currently, Siddharth has come up with a movie titled Chithha. The film has already been released in Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam languages. The Telugu version will be released on the 6th of this month. In this background, hero Siddharth was participating in a series of interactions with the media as a part of movie promotions. He recently attended a press meet held in Hyderabad.
However, there was an interesting scene in this press meet. Senior journalist Suresh Kondeti, who became the care of address for controversial questions at film events, was also present. Before he could ask questions, hero Siddharth made strong counters against him. Siddharth said that he was advised on the internet to tell Suresh Kondeti that it would be better if he asks questions in a more systematic manner.
Siddharth said at the press meet. “A warning to Kondeti, Suresh. The whole internet warned you. They said that if you call him, ask him to sit down methodically and ask questions systematically. You are advised not to answer such questions. But I told them one thing too. Suresh Kondeti is my friend. I told them that he has the rights,” Siddharth said with a laugh. The video was posted by netizens on social media, and it went viral within minutes.
Siddharth’s Latest film Chithha was released in Tamil on 28th September and the film received an exceptional response, and it will be released in Telugu as Chinna on October 6th. The film’s trailer, that was released recently, showed a touching portrayal of a loving relationship between a paternal uncle and his niece. The film is directed by S. U. Arun Kumar, and the trailer promised an emotional experience.