Actor Sharwanand married Rakshita Reddy, with whom he got engaged a few months ago, in a lavish wedding ceremony at Jaipur’s The Leela Palace. The wedding took place on June 3 (in the early hours of Sundays). Sharwanand has not invited any celebrities from the Telugu film industry besides family and close friends. Ram Charan was the only Telugu film star to attend the wedding.
The couple were engaged early this year. The wedding festivities started two days ago in Jaipur. Pre-wedding ceremonies such as Sangeeth, Mehendi, and Haldi were also held.
Sharwanand’s wife, Rakshita Reddy, is the daughter of High Court lawyer Madhusudhan Reddy and the granddaughter of politician Bojjala Gopala Krishna Reddy. Her uncle, Ganga Reddy, is married in the same political family as well. The couple got engaged on January 26, and the families waited for Sharwanand to finalize their commitments before arranging the wedding ceremony.
While fans eagerly await the release of Sharwanand’s upcoming film directed by Sriram Adittya, which recently completed a schedule in London, they will be surely happy with the talented actor taking an important step in his personal life.