Tamil Hero Ashok Selvan got married. On September 13, he tied knot with Keerthi Pandian in a close ceremony in Tirunelveli. The wedding ceremony was held in the presence of close friends and family members. Their wedding photos and videos have become viral on social media. Keerthi’s cousin, Ramya Pandian, took to X (formerly Twitter) to congratulate the couple and shared pictures from their big day.
Ashok Selvan and Keerthi’s wedding invitation was discovered on the internet a few weeks before their wedding. For a few months, the two kept their relationship under wraps.
Ashok got married to Keerthi Pandian, the love of his life, on September 13th. The intimate ceremony was held at Sethu Ammal Farm and looked as beautiful as it did. At 8 am, a grand feast was served to the guests after the main ceremony.
Keerthi’s cousin is Ramya Pandian, who is an actress, congratulated the couple on social media and posted some stunning pictures. Sharing the photos, she wrote, “Happy married life my dear Kanmani @iKeerthiPandian and welcome to our family our dearest Maapilai @AshokSelvan (in the original).”
Ashok Selvan and Keerthi Pandian are set to appear next in ‘Blue Star’, which is produced by Pa Ranjith.