Saripodha Sanivaaram is an upcoming superhero film starring ‘Natural Star’ Nani in the lead role. It is written and directed by Vivek Athreya, marking his second collaboration with the actor after the critically acclaimed comedy drama Ante Sundariniki (2022).
Lately, Nani fans have been demanding DVV Entertainements, the film’s production company, for an update regarding the film. Considering their requests, the makers have reacted by stating that an update regarding the first single will be out at 4:05 PM today.
According to sources, a new poster with the song’s title and release date will be out at the time mentioned. Saripodha Sanivaaram’s music is composed by Jakes Bejoy of Taxiwala (2018) fame. It features Priyanka Arul Mohan as the female lead.