The Bangalore rave party has turned out to be the talk of the town with several Tollywood celebrities also being a part of it. Among the ones apprehended by the police, actress Hema’s name has also come up. While the actress has denied that she was not a part of any rave party, the police have confirmed her presence and she has also tested positive for drug consumption.
The rave party was held at GR Farm House near Electronic City, Bangalore and 59 out of 73 men had blood reported positive while 27 out of 30 women tested positive. Actress Hema (Krishnaveni) who has starred in over 200 Tollywood films has tested positive as well. The proof of her drug consumption was found in the blood reports.
The rave party was a sunset to sunrise party and over 150 people attended the party held on the occasion of one Vasu. The police recovered MDMA, cocaine, hydroganza at the party. The CCB has issued notices to those who tested positive.