Sudheer Babu happens to be the brother-in-law of Tollywood Actor, Mahesh Babu. He even debuted for the same reason as a leading actor and has been in the Industry for years. But the actor didn’t quite get the tag of a star. Hits and flops are common for any actor but Sudheer Babu didn’t manage to score a big hit. Even a film like Sammohanam failed to cross double-digit share worldwide. The result of his recently released film, Harom Hara too indicates that Sudheer Babu failed as a star.
Harom Hara opened with an average word of mouth and reviews and failed to get even openings. On the other hand, Vijay Sethupathi’s Maharaja rocked at the box office. It opened bigger than Harom Hara in most of the centers. Sudheer Babu put a lot of effort into the film but failed to get the audience to the theatres continuously.
Harom Hara had a holiday advantage with Bakrid but still, it didn’t cash the opportunity. Sudheer Babu must now stop acting in as many films as possible as he does and concentrate on only one film. If needed, he should also quit films for some years and take a break which may help him.