Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s Ayyappanum Koshiyum remake will come up with a huge update tomorrow. Sithara Entertainment, the producers of the film announced that an update will be released tomorrow on the occasion of Independence day. The update also termed Power Storm will reveal the title of the film along with a glimpse of the film. Harish Shankar, who will be directing Pawan Kalyan’s next film PSPK28 will unveil the update.
The makers recently released a glimpse of Pawan Kalyan in his massy Bheemla Nayak avatar. The shooting of the film is going on at a great pace with some key action scenes being shot currently. Fans are expecting a glimpse of some of these action scenes in the Power Storm update tomorrow.
Sagar Chandra will be directing the remake. Nithya Menen has been roped in for a key role. Aishwarya Rajesh, who was last seen in World Famous Lover will be paired opposite Rana.