Eagle (2024), an action thriller starring Ravi Teja, hit screens last Friday to mixed-to-positive reviews from critics and audiences. However, People Media Factory, the studio that bankrolled the film, claims the film is faring well at the ticket window. To celebrate the same, a success meeting was held in Hyderabad yesterday.
Harish Shankar, a close associate of ‘Mass Maharaja’, was also part of the event alongside the film’s main cast and crew. Speaking at the event, the director, who’s known for making mass commercial entertainers, made some strong remarks on a website about attacking him personally. He slammed the writers for gossiping about their private lives for cheap views and likes.
He went on to add that this ‘Great’ site has been spreading extreme negativity on films by publishing reviews (with low ratings) and underreporting box-office figures and advance bookings. Earlier, the production company’s official Twitter handle took a dig at the same web portal for their review of the film.
One of the oldest portals in the Telugu states, the website has a strong inclination towards targeted negative campaigns, gossiping about celebrities’ affairs, remuneration demands, and the purchase of properties. Additionally, the site had received severe backlash for ‘hate speech’ against a specific group of politicians and their political parties. It’s the first time a person from the film fraternity has explicitly criticised this ‘Great’ site. It must be seen how the California-based news company will react to these comments.