Director Harish Shankar is currently busy working on his prestigious film with Pawan Kalyan. Both have earlier teamed up for Gabbar Singh that created wonders at box office. Now they are coming together again with Bhavadeeyudu Bagath Singh.
Harish Shankar is known for commercial entertainers with lot of fans stuff. Some of his movies had lot of repeat value stuff like Mirapakay and Gabbar Singh. Now the director is eyeing to direct Superstar.
Harish Shankar in many instances revealed that he wanted to do a film with Superstar Mahesh Babu. Previously he expressed his wish in front of superstar himself. He expressed then that Mahesh is director’s hero and he always wanted to work with him.
In one of the latest interviews, Harish Shankar revealed that he is preparing a script for Mahesh Babu now. For the last four years, Harish Shankar is in plans to work with Mahesh Babu and he is finally writing a script. Insider info is that the energetic director met the superstar three times in the sets of Sarkaru Vaari Paata. So if everything goes well, we can watch our superstar in an energetic role in the direction of Harish Shankar.