Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s much-awaited historical action-adventure Hari Hara Veera Mallu is all set for a summer release in 2022. The makers of the film released an action poster featuring Pawan Kalyan. The movie, directed by Krish will hit the screens on April 29th, 2022.
The title and motion poster were revealed earlier this year and impressed the audience with its quality of output. Krish has planned massive action blocks along with an interesting storyline that is set up in the 17th century.
The makers of the movie are leaving no stone unturned in giving a visual treat to the audience. It is being reported that Bollywood action director- Shyam Kaushal has been roped in to design fight sequences of the movie.
The music will be composed by MM Keeravani under Mega Surya Productions. The film is a pan-India project and apart from Telugu will also release in Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi. Nidhi Agerwal will be seen alongside Pawan Kalyan in in this prestigious project.