Hari Hara Veera Mallu update for New Year. Pawan Kalyan’s first ever periodical movie, Hari Hara Hara Veera Mallu has been in production for over three years and still, the film has not completed its shooting. Because of the political career of the star, the film faced many delays in the filming.
A few days ago, there were rumors that the film is getting postponed from its announced date, 28th March. However. the team guaranteed that there are no changes in the release date and even Pawan Kalyan also confirmed that there is only 8 days of shooting pending for the film. Now, the latest reporst suggest that Hari Hara Veera Mallu’s update will be released for New Year.
Initially, the HHVM team planned to release the first single on new year itself but due to unexpected delay, they are coming with an announcement poster of first single and the it is expected to arrive on 6th January.
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