Hari Hara Veera Mallu was announced in 2020 with a budget over 200Cr and a pan-India release. The fans felt so happy as Pawan Kalyan is portraying a periodical warrior role, and these films work so big at the pan-India level. There were no hurdles at the beginning; shooting happened continuously, and the posters and a glimpse raised the expectations for the film, creating a massive impact.
The hurdles started with Corona and continued with various reasons. Recently, Krish started a project with Anushka Shetty under UV Creations. Rumors arose that Krish walked out from the project, and the project may not continue. During this time, the makers of Hari Hara Veera Mallu have given an update that high-end VFX works are happening for the film in multiple locations. They also updated that a promo is coming in a few days. Now the news is that the promo is coming on Shivaratri. This was big news for fans and audiences.
Pawan Kalyan is expected to join the shooting sets from this June. There are three projects that he needs to complete OG, Hari Hara Veera mallu and Ustaad Bhagat Singh. OG officially announced for 27th September release. Other two films expected to release on 2025.