Hanuman’s 2nd trailer is set for release. It is widely known that the first film in Prasanth Varma’s Cinematic Universe, HANUMAN, is getting released as one of the films in the Sankranthi season. The makers have appeared very confident in the film’s content and success. The latest reports suggest that Hanuman’s 2nd trailer is set for release.
The film has created a massive buzz with its promotional content. The teaser started the massive buzz on the film, and later, the songs and trailer lived up to the expectations. This Indian superhero movie is creating a perfect buzz. The team is now set to release the second trailer [Release trailer] at the pre-release event, which will happen on 7th January. The audiences will love to watch Hanuman’s 2nd trailer.
Amrita Iyer has been cast as the female lead opposite Teja Sajja in the movie Hanuman. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Vinay Rai, Rajdeepak Shetty, Samuthirakani, and Vennela Kishore have played significant roles in this film. Hanuman marks the beginning of Prashant Varma’s Cinematic Universe (PVCU), as revealed by director Prasanth Varma in a recent interview. He further disclosed that there will be 12 films in the PVCU.
In the movie Hanuman, Teja Sajja portrays a young man who gains extraordinary powers bestowed upon him by Lord Hanuman. The film is scheduled to release on January 12, 2024, coinciding with the festival of Sankranthi. Besides Telugu, Hanuman will be released in various languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, English, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.