Telugu audiences are very disappointed with the Hanuman OTT release on Zee5, both before and after streaming. Before the streaming began, the Zee5 team didn’t give any official updates, leaving audiences waiting for news. Plus, they were upset that the Hindi version streamed on Jio Cinema before the Telugu version on Zee5.
Now that the movie is streaming on Zee5, audiences are disappointed with the quality. The original movie runtime is 158 minutes, but on Zee5, it’s only 150 minutes. Viewers feel like the movie is playing too fast, and there are audio disturbances. People on social media are saying that the Hindi streaming on Jio Cinema is much better than Zee5. Netizens don’t understand why Prashanth Varma, the director, tweeted about it like this
Everyone expected the OTT version to be a better experience than the theatrical release, but there’s not much difference, and the OTT version is even shorter.