Hanuman First Half Review, and Report is out. It is widely known that the pan-Indian Superhero Hanuman makers have arranged paid premieres for the film. Starring Teja Sajja and directed by Prashanth Varma, the film has been able to captivate with its strong content. Hanuman First Half Review, and Report is out.
Hanuman First Half Overview
The movie is set up in a fictional village called Anjanadri. Hanumanthu is a small-time thief and in an unexpected way, he gets the powers of Lord Hanuman. Anjanadri is ruled by an evil person and because of him the entire village suffers. How Hanumanthu will be able to save the village with his superpowers is the core theme of the first half.
On the flip side, the Villain character gets introduced as an aspiring super man. But the setup could have more elaborated about him. However, his second introduction at the interval block sets up for a good second half.
Entertainment and Visuals
Good Background Score
Lord Hanuman’s presence and BGM
Interval and Superhero power Scenes
Villain Character’s introduction is weak
Emotional scenes could have been better