Hanuman fails to capture the Tamil and Malayalam Markets. It is widely known that the Indian Superhero film HanuMan has become a sensational blockbuster, and it has created many records at the box office. While the film is having an extraordinary performance in Telugu and a decent hold in Hindi, Hanuman fails to capture the Tamil and Malayalam Markets.
From Tollywood many films have performed massively at Hindi box office, but most of the movies failed to conquer Tamil and Malayalam markets. Until now, only Rajamouli films and Allu Arjun’s Pushpa have worked well here.
For example, from Saaho all the films of Prabhas have posted good numbers in Hindi market excluding Radhe Shyam but all of them failed at Tamil Nadu and Kerala markets. Megastar Chiranjeevi tried to capture these markets by casting Tamil stars Vijay Sethupathi, Nayanthara in Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy but that film could not even get a good start there.
Natural Star Nani also continuously tried to grab these markets and despite his films having good content, still the audiences did not turn up to watch them. Recently, Ranbir Kapoor and Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal which did phenomenal numbers in Hindi and Telugu, but even this movie also failed to put big numbers in Tamil and Kerala.
Now HanuMan, the latest massive blockbuster which is doing extraordinarily well in Hindi and Telugu but the numbers from Tamil Nadu and Kerala are poor. In Tamil Nadu the movie has collected around 2.25Cr Gross and the majority comes from Telugu only and in Kerala, it collected less than 50 lakhs which is a dismal performance.
Somehow, many movies are failing to capture the markets of Tamil Nadu and Kerala as the audiences are not entertaining the other languages films except a few big budget films.