Tollywood Blockbuster, Hanu-man is gearing up for its OTT streaming. The film became a Pan India sensation grossing more than 300 crores worldwide. Released during the Sankranthi season, the film achieved a unanimous response from all sections of people. The Telugu OTT Version of the film had already come out. Many other language people are waiting eagerly for its OTT streaming. Now, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada language people can watch it on Disney+Hotstar from today.
The Hindi Version of Hanu-Man is streaming on Jio Cinema whereas the Telugu version streams on Zee5. Along with it, the recent horror thriller Tantra starring Ananya Nagalla also makes its way for the digital premiere. The film was released 3 weeks ago but didn’t work at the box office. It will stream on Aha Video from tonight.
Hanu-Man had already received criticism from other language audiences surprisingly. Now they might rake up the issue again after watching it in their own languages. But the team expects that it would do well in those languages also.