It is widely known that Superstar Mahesh Babu and Trivikram Srinivas are teaming up for a film after 12 years, with their upcoming release, Guntur Kaaram. Having encountered some issues, such as changes in the script, cast, and crew, the film’s shooting went through a bit of hurdles. Mahesh, the film’s lead, is said to be very satisfied with the proceedings, and the film is currently shaping up nicely.
Now, the latest leaked video from the shooting goes viral on the Internet. The shooting of the film is currently happening in Koti, Women’s College in Hyderabad and the fans are sharing this video on social media.
Recently, the team has completed the shoot for an action episode and planning to shoot a new action episode from this week. Though Trivikram is known for his humor, it is important to have considerable amount of action blocks to elevate a star hero like Mahesh Babu. It looks like the makers of Guntur Kaaram are fully aware of this thing.
Directed by Trivikram Srinivas, Guntur Kaaram marks the third collaboration between him and Superstar Mahesh Babu after Athadu and Khaleja. The project is being produced under the Haarika and Hassine Creations banner. The film also stars the latest sensational actress Sree Leela and upcoming actress Meenakshi Chaudhary who will be sharing the screen with Mahesh for the first time. Thaman S is scoring the music for the film.