Guntur Kaaram’s song Kurchi Madatha Petti sparks controversy, boosting the film’s buzz. It is widely known that the new song promo from the upcoming movie Superstar Mahesh Babu was released on 29th December, and everyone was surprised by its mass touch. Watching Mahesh in such an energetic avatar was a feast to the fans and audiences. Guntur Kaaram’s song Kurchi Madatha Petti sparks controversy, boosting the film’s buzz.
Mahesh suprises with his dance moves in the new song from Guntur Kaaram
As said above, everyone was surprised by Mahesh’s dance moves, and Sree Leela looked rocking, as always. Coming to the song, a few sections of fans and movie lovers felt that it was not up to the mark of Trivikram Mahesh Babu’s combo, and it was shocking for them.
One section of people enjoyed the song, Kurchi Madatha Petti, a lot, and one section of people said this is cringe and cannot be expected from the combination of Trivikram and Mahesh Babu that produced extraordinary fresh content films like Khaleja and Athadu. But from the box office point of view, this song is a significant advantage as the mass audiences will enjoy it a lot, and this kind of entertaining song works very well during the festival.
Kurchi Madatha Petti Song creates a big buzz
Mahesh Babu and Trivikram are crystal clear, and they want to deliver a commercial mass entertainer this time and avoid experimenting with content. Some sections of people’s overreactions create controversy about the song, and it is helping to develop the movie’s buzz. The full song will be released on 30th December and is expected to reach millions of views on YouTube and other platforms.