Guntur Kaaram Producer Naga Vamsi promises fans a blockbuster film and reveals a few details. It is widely known that the family action entertainer, Guntur Kaaram is all set to be released on January 12th and the SSMB fans are excited about the film along with having a bit tense feeling about the allocation of screens for the film. Guntur Kaaram Producer Naga Vamsi promises fans a blockbuster film and reveals a few details about the film.
Mahesh Babu fans are worried about the Theaters count of Guntur Kaaram. As there are 5 films coming for this Sankranthi they are worried whether a record release is possible for the film. Mahesh fans want their favorite hero’s film to get released in all stations with best screens and maximum count.
Mainly with the allocation of single stations, the fans of Mahesh Babu do not want any other film to be released or to share the shows with other films. As Guntur Kaaram is the only biggie for Sankranthi their concern is reasonable as every star hero fan wants his hero film to be released in all stations.
Naga Vamsi promises a grand release and blockbuster content
On Sankranthi 2024, Guntur Kaaram is the only biggie and the remaining films have done just 20Cr business for even less. The fans have continuously expressed their concern to the producer and team. With this the producer of Guntur Kaaram, Suryadevara Naga Vamsi had interacted with fans on a Twitter Space and promised them the movie will have the best release. He stated that all issues will be getting sorted out by the 7th or 8th.
Naga Vamsi also revealed a few details about the film. He said there are some sequences which will work big for SSMB fans. He assured that the content of the film is superb and the first half of the film, and the last 40 mins, will be extraordinary.