Superstar Mahesh Babu’s highly anticipated film “Guntur Kaaram”, directed by Trivikram, opened with a bang on January 12th. With excellent pre-release buzz and overseas rights valued at a whopping 21 crores, the movie needed to reach around $5 million USD to break even.
While advance bookings were strong across major international markets, the film unfortunately crashed after a decent first weekend. Unlike in Telugu states, where it managed to fare well despite mixed reviews, “Guntur Kaaram” struggled overseas due to negative word-of-mouth.
Here’s a breakdown of the final overseas collections:
- Australia: $219,716
- New Zealand: $21,007
- UAE & GCC: $237,000
- UK & Ireland: $251,000
- USA: $2,630,372
- Rest of the world (estimated): $130,000
Total: $3.5 Million (approximately 29 Crores)
Despite the strong start, “Guntur Kaaram” ultimately fell short of expectations, grossing only $3.5 million in its entire overseas run and ended up as flop. This falls well below the breakeven mark of $5 million, marking a disappointing outcome for the highly anticipated film.