Guntur Kaaram must get permission for 6 shows in Andhra Pradesh. It is widely known that Superstar Mahesh Babu is coming with family action entertainer Guntur Kaaram under the direction of Trivikram. The fans are pumped up for the film’s release, and the recently released “Kurchi Madathapetti” Song was loved by one and all. Guntur Kaaram must get permission for 6 shows in Andhra Pradesh.
Mahesh’s Guntur Kaaram is getting released on Sankranthi, and it faces competition with four other medium-budget films. In Nizam, the big films are getting the required ticket hikes, special shows, and 1 AM shows, but the problem is the same is not easily possible in Andhra Pradesh.
The government of Andhra Pradesh is not allowing for 6 shows and the required ticket hike permissions for big films. If a movie has a maximum number of theatres, then there is no need to worry too much about these special shows and hikes, but Guntur Kaaram is hitting the screens with heavy competition.
In A&B Centers, the movie is getting 1/3rd of screens, so other films know that overflows of Guntur Karam can make their movies house fulls. No one is willing to opt out of the Sankranthi race despite competition.
Guntur Kaaram needs 6 shows of permission in AP to cover all these things. Then, all theatres can screen the film’s special shows, covering the loss of regular shows. The makers should request permission from the Andhra government for 6 shows and around 60 RS Hike. We must wait and see whether the government allows them the required things. The Guntur Kaaram team can request by citing the Sankranthi festival holidays.