Superstar Mahesh Babu’s Guntur Kaaram is in its production stage with the film all set to release for Sankranti 2024. Due to changes in schedules, Trivikram and unit are facing artists’ dates clash for the ongoing schedule. The current schedule is already delayed with artists dates issue. The team is working so hard to complete the shooting as soon as possible but with these dates issues, it’s getting delayed.
No shooting has happened for the past couple of days. The Guntur Kaaram team plans to complete shooting by December 3rd week including everything. Amidst these delays, the positive sign is that the unit is working as two teams when artists’ dates are available, and due to this, they are covering all these delays and keeping the movie firmly on track for Sankranti release.
Now, all eyes are on the Guntur Kaaram’s first single. The plans for the release of the first single have been going on for quite some time. However, there have been constant delays on this front.
Meenakshi Chaudhary and Sree Leela are the leading ladies in this film, while Jagapathi Babu, Ramya Krishnan, Prakash Raj, Jayaram, and others are part of the film’s ensemble cast. Haarika & Hassine Creations is the production company behind the project, and Thaman is the music director.