Guntur Kaaram advance bookings report for opening day is out, and the film is off to a Sensational start. Superstar Mahesh Babu is all set to hunt down the records at the box office. Guntur Kaaram advance bookings report for opening day is out, and the film is off to a Sensational start.
As said above, the film has seen a terrific start in the bookings. The North America premiers’ advance bookings have crossed 1.25M. For the opening day the advance bookings are more than 1.5M and total overseas advance bookings Gross for opening day is around 2 Million.
In India, the National Plexes advance bookings Gross will be around 4.75Cr with 1.3L admits, which is a fantastic achievement. Guntur Kaaram’s total Hyderabad city advance bookings Gross is more than 9.2 Cr on major booking portals. If we include the sales from other booking portals, then advance bookings will be more than 10Cr and all India advance bookings Gross is in the range of 20Cr.
Guntur Kaaram’s total worldwide bookings Gross in around 36Cr for opening day. It is a record start for Mahesh films and regional films as well.