Sundeep Kishan and Neha Shetty starrer Gully Rowdy has finally got a release date. The film wrapped up shooting recently will be hitting the screens on September 3rd. It was earlier rumoured that the film will be releasing on OTT. However, the recent success of small releases has promoted the makers to release it theatrically.
Writer Kona Venkat who’s also presenting this film recently took to Twitter and shared that Gully Rowdy is going to be a fun ride. It will be a combination of laughter and tension, he added.
Rajendra Prasad, Posani Krishna Murali, and Vennela Kishore co-star in this film, and all of them look in great nick. G Nageswara Reddy, who’s known for the comedy genre is wielding the megaphone for this movie. This will be his second collaboration with Sandeep after Tenali Ramakrishna BA. BL.