Grand finale winner voting begins for Bigg Boss Telugu 7. It is widely known that the Bigg Boss Telugu 7 has become a successful season and is nearing the final stage. There are currently seven contestants in the house. Gautam Krishna was eliminated on Sunday. Shivaji, Amardeep Chaudhary, Pallavi Prashanth, Arjun Ambati, Priyanka Jain, Shobha Shetty, and Prince Yawar are in the house. Grand finale winner voting begins for Bigg Boss Telugu 7.
Only five of the housemates will make it to the final. The other two are yet to be eliminated. The nominations for the 14th week are crucial, and the Bigg Boss has put a nice twist to it. Bigg Boss announced this week voting is not for nominations. The housemates will be present in the nominations for next week till the final. The voting lines have opened now, and the contestant with the highest votes will be the winner.
One contestant will be eliminated from Bigg Boss Telugu 7 this weekend, excluding Arjun Ambati, as he has the ticket to the final. There will be no separate voting for finale week, and the voting will continue till the end, so this is the reason Arjun has also been added to the voting race.
As said above, there are seven contestants in Bigg Boss House, and one contestant will be eliminated this weekend. One more contestant is likely to be eliminated amid finale week, and then, like all seasons, the finale episode will have five contestants.