Vijay’s The GOAT directed by Venkat Prabhu was released worldwide on Thursday amidst massive expectations from the fans. The film got off to a great start in Tamil Nadu and GOAT Day 1 collections stood at around Rs 30 crores gross.
The GOAT has now become the 4th biggest opener in Tamil Nadu. The other 3 films in the list also belong to Vijay with Leo, Beast, and Sarkar being the top 3 openers in Tamil Nadu.
In Karnataka, the action thriller opened to good numbers and made a solid Rs 9 Cr gross. Surprisingly, GOAT Day 1 collections were disappointing in Kerala with just Rs 6 crores gross. Kerala has traditionally been a strong market for Vijay but it looks like the film will struggle to achieve the breakeven mark of Rs 40 crores. The situation in Telugu states was worse as The GOAT managed to collect just Rs 3.5 crores.
After combining north India, The GOAT opening day figure reached Rs 52 crores while the overseas market contributed massively with a $6 million gross on Day 1. Overall, worldwide collections stands at Rs 100 Cr which is a start. 2nd biggest for Kollywood and as well as Vijay after Leo