Ghost Telugu version is now streaming on OTT. Kannada Star Shiva Rajkumar’s latest film, Ghost, was released in Kannada, Hindi, and Tamil on October 19. Despite challenges with theater allocation due to other language releases, the picture had a successful opening and response from the audience. Ghost Telugu version is now streaming on OTT.
The film started streaming in Kannada on November 16th, and the viewers eagerly awaited the Telugu version’s update. Now, the Streaming Giant. Zee5 announced that it is currently streaming in Telugu Version. The audiences are happy as the Ghost Telugu version is now streaming on OTT.
Ghost is an action-packed robbery thriller that follows a man’s search for justice. The film has excellent dialogue and action situations. MG Srinivas is the film’s director. Jayaram, Anupam Kher, Prashant Narayanan, Archana Jois, and Satya Prakash play pivotal parts. The film was released in Kannada, Hindi, and Tamil on October 19.
The film starts with Big Daddy (Shiva Rajkumar) and his gang carrying out a daring takeover of a Karnataka central jail, seizing both convicts and retired CBI officer Vamana Srinivasan (Prashanth Narayanan) as captives. The government assigns ACP Charan Raj to fix the matter and obtain the release of the ex-CBI officer. To know the mystery surrounding Big Daddy’s identity, intentions, and final ending, watch the Ghost Telugu version now streaming on OTT.