‘Thalapathy’ Vijay’s has taken the state of Tamil Nadu by storm. But this time, it’s not with the latest film but with a re-release of the twenty-year-old sports action drama Ghilli. Regarded as a cult classic, it had a grand re-release on April 20, 2024.
Following excellent sales in advance bookings, it minted a worldwide gross of INR 8 crore, an all-time record for any re-release in India. Unlike other releases of this type, it performed well on the second and third days as well, accumulating a total gross of INR 20 crore, a record once again.
The most surprising part is that it has been performing well even on weekdays—so much so that it has outperformed Vishal’s latest release, Ratnam (2024), in terms of footfalls. Ghilli’s final worldwide gross is estimated to be around INR 25 crore, an unbelievable feat for any re-release in the country.