Varun Tej’s sports drama Ghani has seen multiple ups and downs during the course of its making. The movie came to a halt during the pandemic and there were also reports of director Kiran Korrapati having differences with Varun Tej. However, all that is a thing of past and the movie is nearing its completion now.
Geetha Arts are all set to announce an update regarding the movie. This will most probably be regarding the released date. A strong buzz suggests that Ghani will be out on Diwali.
The movie will have some top-notch boxing action. Hollywood action directors Larnell Stovall and Vlad Rimburg have worked on the film. The duo directed some crucial action episodes in the film.
OTT platform Aha has signed a deal of a whopping Rs 24 crores for Ghani. This deal includes both digital as well as satellite rights.
A special boxing ring set was erected recently in a Hyderabad studio to shoot some crucial boxing shots for the film. Debutant director Kiran Korapati is directing this sports action drama. Saiee Manjrekar, Sunil Shetty, Upendra and Jagapathy Babu will be essaying key roles in this film. Sidhu Mudda and Allu Bobby have jointly produced the film under the banners of Renaissance Pictures and Allu Bobby Company.