As revealed yesterday, the makers of Varun Tej’s upcoming film Ghani revealed the latest single from the movie. Titled Ghani Anthem, Thaman has packed the number with racy tunes and a fusion of Hip Hop and EDM.
Ghani Anthem features a training montage of Varun Tej in a monstrous muscular avatar. The movie will have some top-notch boxing action. Hollywood action directors Larnell Stovall and Vlad Rimburg have worked on the film. The duo directed some crucial action episodes in the film.
Debutant director Kiran Korapati is directing this sports action drama. Saiee Manjrekar, Sunil Shetty, Upendra and Jagapathy Babu will be essaying key roles in this film. Sidhu Mudda and Allu Bobby have jointly produced the film under the banners of Renaissance Pictures and Allu Bobby Company.