Anushka’s upcoming film produced by UV Creations has been titled Ghaati. The film’s glimpse has also been relesed today and Anushka has stunned all with her violent appearance in it. She was seen as a ruthless woman killing a person as well. The film is also directed by Krish Jagarlamudi.
This will also be Anushka’s solo film after her recent Ms. Shetty Mr. Polishetty co-starring Naveen Polishetty. The film became successful giving Anushka a big relief after a short bad phase. She is still a massive star in Tollywood having proved her potential with her earlier blockbusters Arundhati, Rudrama Devi and Bhaagamathie. She now looks coming up with the same feel again with Ghaati.
Ghaati is also said to be in the final stages of production and also touted to be a high budgeted action thriller. Music of the film will be composed by Nagaveli Vidya Sagar with dialogues by Sai Madhav Burra and story by Chintakindi Srinivas Rao. Other technical crew of the film is listed below
Producers: Rajeev Reddy, Sai Babu Jagarlamudi.
Director of Photography: Manojh Reddy Katasani
Art Director: Thota Thorrani
Editor: Chanakya Reddy Toorupu
Action Choreography: Ram Krishan
PRO: Vamsi-Shekar
Marketing: First Show
Publicity Designer: Anil-Bhanu