Gautham Menon disappoints big time with Dhruva Natchathiram. It is widely known that Chiyaan Vikram and Gautham Menon’s Dhruva Natchathiram’s release has been long delayed, much to the dismay of the fans of Vikram and Tamil film fans. Gautham Menon disappoints big time with Dhruva Natchathiram.
The film’s shooting was completed years back, but the movie was not released in theatres due to financial issues. The teaser, Trailer, songs, and everything has been released from the film, but sadly, it was not released in theatres.
This July, Gautham Menon confirmed that the film will be released in theatres and the issues will be sorted. The filmmakers announced the release date of 24th November, but at the last minute, Gautham Menon said the movie had been postponed again, and the issues would be cleared in 2-3 days and released shortly.
As Gautham Menon promised to clear the issues soon, the fans were continuously expecting an update on the release date, but there is no update from the filmmakers yet. Unfortunately, in 2023, after eight years of being in the filming stage, the team failed to release the film in theatres.
No one knows when Gautham Menon will be able to clear the issues and release the film Dhruva Natchathiram in theatres.