Gautam’s remuneration and his total earnings in Bigg Boss Telugu are leaked. It is widely known that Bigg Boss Telugu is the number one reality show with the highest TRP ratings. That’s why the organizers are bringing the seasons without any gaps. Now that the seventh season has reached the final stage, viewers are also interested in who will be in the top 5. In this situation, the news of Gautam Krishna’s elimination has been leaked before the episode’s telecast. Let’s see how much Gautam’s remuneration and total earnings are in Bigg Boss.
It is widely known that the news of Gautam Krishna’s elimination was already leaked this week, and many feel it was an unfair elimination done by the management of Bigg Boss to save Shobha Shetty. The inside information about Sunday’s Episode is that Pallavi Prashanth, who has an eviction pass with him, hesitated to use it for Gautam.
Also, Gautam said he does not want to use an eviction pass and wants the audience to decide whether he will be in the house. So, Gautam was finally eliminated. His weekly remuneration is said to be 1.5 lakhs, and his total earnings from Bigg Boss are 19.5 lakhs.
The Bigg Boss Telugu 7 has gained attention, and the Ulla Pulta theme is running successfully. This is because of the exciting content and drama that has never been shown in previous seasons. That’s why Bigg Boss Telugu 7 is getting a tremendous response. As a result, the audience is also having fun through this season.
Gautam Krishna has shown his mark ever since he entered the seventh season of Bigg Boss as a contestant. He participated very actively, especially in the tasks given on the show. Also, he had a lot of fights while making his voice heard. Overall, he won the hearts of the audience as a solo player. But his constant fights and arguments with Shivaji were a minus for him.
Doctor Gautam Krishna, who entered the Bigg Boss house without any expectations, got eliminated in the 13th week. Much news about how much remuneration he was paid to him by the Bigg Boss organizers is already going viral. As said above, Gautam Krishna earned Rs 1.5 lakh, and his total earnings in Bigg Boss is 19.5 lakhs.