Young hero Ganesh Bellamkonda, son of producer Bellamkonda Suresh and younger brother of hero Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas, is doing his second film under Sithara Entertainments. Lakshman K Krishna is directing the film, while Varsha Bollamma is playing Ganesh’s love interest. Swathi Muthyam is in the last leg of shooting. Other details will be revealed soon.
On the occasion of Ganesh Bellamkonda’s birthday, the makers revealed the title and first look poster of the film. A pure Telugu title- Swathi Muthyam is finalized for the film. The makers used the title of Kamal Haasan’s yesteryear classic and they have a credible reason behind it. According to them, we will know about it when the teaser or trailer of the movie are out.
Billed to be a fun entertainer, Suryadevara Naga Vamsi is producing this film that will have some top-class technicians. Mahati Swara Sagar is composing the music while cinematography is handled by Suryaa and Navin Nooli is the editor