Varun Tej’s latest film, Gandeevadhari Arjuna, Directed by Praveen Sattaru, has been released in theaters today. The movie is said to be made on the biggest budget in the career of Varun Tej but unfortunately the film opens to a disappointing response from the audiences. The film’s Overseas shows have been completed, and the talk/report from those shows is not at all encouraging.
The film opens with below par reports, and it is said that the film is made with a complete flat narration right from start to end. Nothing worked for the film except for the good cinematography. The story feels outdated with no logic. Normally, for this kind of films, overseas audiences are the main target but from them only the movie has opened with below par talk and bad reports, which is definitely a bad sign for the film’s box office performance.
Even before the release, the audiences looked not much interested in watching the film, which resulted in low buzz. Now a Superb word of mouth which was needed for the film has not come, and it looks like Gandeevadhari Arjuna may end up as a failure. Let’s hope that the response and talk from the Indian shows will come better for the film.
The film is directed by Praveen Sattaru and features Sakshi Vaidya as the female lead and Vinay Rai as the antagonist. The ensemble cast is made up of Nazar, Roshini Prakash, Manish Chaudhari, Abhinav Gomatam, Ravi Varma, Kalpalatha, and Baby Vedain. The movie, which is produced by Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra, has its music composed by Mickey J Meyer.