Game Changer starring Ram Charan is one of the highly anticipated films of Tollywood. The film took much longer time than expected for the shoot and is now all set to release on 10th January next year. Teaser of Game Changer released today amid great expectations as well. But the teaser didn’t live upto the expectations and has highly disappointed all.
Teaser didn’t reveal anything about the plot of the film and filled with many shots. However, Ram Charan’s dual role was confirmed officially in the teaser. The dialogues sounded very regular and the taking also felt like a normal commercial flick. Audience expected much from Shankar but the teaser lacked his vintage mark. The huge budget spent for the film was seen throughout the teaser.
With no plot reveal, the teaser appealed very normal. We don’t know if its Shankar’s decision of hiding the plot or coming up only with the shots from the film. The trailer of Game Changer must also answer this. Apart from this, the BGM provided by Thaman felt very flat and not engaging at all. This was also one of the major negative points.
Shankar is already under the heat of his previous debacle, Indian 2. With this sort of teaser, hype and buzz for Game Changer wouldn’t be enough to create big records. The team must come up with more content from the film.