Yesterday, an audio song from Ram Charan’s upcoming film Game Changer was illegally leaked online. The song went viral on all social media platforms immediately after being leaked, triggering a lot of discussion among netizens and Mega fans. The film’s team members and close sources have confirmed that it was a basic version of the song, but not the final cut.
The unexpected leak shocked everyone, including industry circles, as director Shankar usually takes great care of his films. Producer Dil Raju and his team were under a lot of pressure from Mega fans to take corrective measures against the culprits.
Accordingly, the makers of Game Changer filed a criminal case in the Cyber Crime Police station of Hyderabad regarding the leak of the song. They requested that the police intervene and take severe action against the offenders, as well as requesting that they refrain from transmitting the song on social media platforms.
A copy of the FIR registered against the complaint filed by the makers was shared on social media by themselves. They requested to trace out the source of the leak and take legal action against those who were involved in this crime. The makers of Game Changer also requested that anyone who shares the unauthorized version of the song on social media be punished.
Currently, the song has already been shared by netizens on all platforms. The music is composed by S Thaman, and it appears to be a folk song featuring the lead pair with authentic Telugu lyrics.