The makers of Ram Charan and Shankar’s upcoming Pan Indian film, Game Changer were in for a sudden shock on Friday night. A song from the movie has gone viral on social media after being leaked. It is being reported that the song was shot with a budget of almost 15 crores in a stadium-like setting. It is really shocking that such a leak happened in a big budgeted film.
Shankar and his team are working from Chennai on this film currently, and the leak might have happened from there, according to the reports. Dil Raju and team are said to be uncertain about how to approach this, but reportedly they are making efforts to being made to stop the song from spreading.
If we go into the past, leaks are a frequent occurrence in Shankar’s films. The fact that he invests so much into the making of his films, it has to be said a great disappointment that leaks happen such often.
The delay in the filming of Game Changer is due to Shankar’s decision to simultaneously shoot for both Indian 2 and Game Changer. In recent times, it can be seen that he has been focusing more on the Kamal Haasan’s project, which is affecting the proceedings of Game Changer.
The continuous delay in the shooting of Game Changer is becoming the reason of the frustration of mega fans. Now this new leak of a song has added more fuel to their anger.