Shankar, known for his impressive track record until Robot, has faced challenges in recent years. Following the film Snehitudu, his projects, including ‘I’ and ‘2.0’ , received mixed reviews, failing to meet the high expectations set by his previous works. The situation worsened with Indian 2, which was labeled a disaster. Currently, there are discussions about Indian 3 potentially releasing directly on Netflix, highlighting the tough times Shankar is navigating in his career.
Amidst these challenges, hope rests on Game Changer, slated for a Sankranti 2025 release. Shankar is reportedly investing significant effort in the film’s post-production, meticulously reviewing rushes and making edits to enhance the final product. Industry insiders have shared positive feedback, particularly praising the second half of the film, with producer Dil Raju expressing his satisfaction with the output.
Despite his recent setbacks, Shankar’s brand remains strong among audiences, and the anticipation surrounding ‘Game Changer’ is palpable. ‘Game Changer’ is crucial not only for Shankar’s career but also for Ram Charan, who aims to bounce back after the underperformance of ‘Acharya’ following the monumental success of RRR.
If Shankar can deliver a film that matches his previous caliber, coupled with Ram Charan’s star power, ‘Game Changer’ could achieve significant box office success and mark a much-awaited resurgence for both the director and the actor.