Game Changer needs 100 Cr in Hindi to Succeed. It is widely known that Ram Charan’s next film, Game Changer, is directed by Shankar. Due to multiple delays during the filming, the movie went overbudget and Shankar’s films often go on overbudget because of his lavish making style.
The film needs to collect 300 Cr theatrical share for its producer, Dil Raju to be in a good position. There is a high possibility fpr the film to do 200 Cr share worldwide in Telugu. In Tamil with the help of Shankar’s brand, it can go beyond 50 Cr gross and 25 Cr share. To cross the 300 Cr breakeven mark, the film must need a strong collection from the North India, and it gather at least 100 Cr net in Hindi. Game Changer needs 100 Cr in Hindi to Succeed.
If the Hindi version manages to collect more than 100 Cr net, Tamil has to do more than 50 Cr gross, while the Telugu version has to go more than 200 Cr share worldwide which will put Dil Raju in a breakeven position. If Game Changer collects more than the expected numbers, it will be a profitable venture for the producer. In short, Game Changer should beat Salaar’s worldwide [600 Cr gross] total to achieve breakeven for Dil Raju.